Meister Application
Name: This is simple. What is your character's name?
Alias/Nickname(s): Does your character have any nicknames? Do they go under a certain alias? If not leave this blank
Age: How old is your character?
Gender: Are you a male or female?
Sexual Orientation: Are you Heterosexual, Bisexual or Homosexual?
Ethnic Group: What is your Ethnic Group? (Example: German, African American, Caucasian, Italian)
Rank: Are you a 1-star, 2-star, 3-star, or Master Meister?
ClassJob/Occupation: Do you have a certain career or occupation? Student at Shibusen? Explain.
Birthday: The day you were born (Exclude the Year)
Birthplace: Where were you born?
Picture: Simple Imagery of your character. If there is none then leave this blank.
Written Appearance: This is the written appearance of your character. Explain their body frame, attire, and overall looks.
Height: What is their height?
Weight: What is their weight?
Personality: Explain how your character acts in general, around the opposite sex, around superiors, in combat, while alone ect. Give us an overall feel of the character's personality and tendencies they have.
Likes: Tell us what your character likes. Give at least 5
Dislikes: Tell us what your character Dislikes. Give at least 5.
Hobbies: What hobbies do they seem to have. Note: Just because they have the hobby doesn't mean they are always good at it. Give us a few.
Talents: Tell us what your character is talented in. Exclude any combat related skills such as 'overwhelming power'. This may be things such as cooking, writing, playing an instrument etc.
Favorite Food: What does your character like to eat?
Favorite Music: What type of music does your character listen to.
Forte In Sports: What sports does your character excel in.
History: Tell us your history, how you met with your partner (if you have) your childhood, how you came to Shibusen. Each little event that holds significance to your character should be included.
Fighting Style: How do you fight? Close Quarter Combat, Long Range, Mid Range? Do you run or tend to be more defensive rather then offensive? Give us a detailed explanation on how you fight your oponants
Roleplay Sample:Copy and Past this Code in a New Topic and Begin filling out your registration form!
- Code:
[size=16][center][u][b]Meister Application[/b][/u][/center][/size]
[u][i][b]Sexual Orientation:[/b][/i][/u]
[b][i][u]Ethnic Group:[/u][/i][/b]
[b][u]Written Appearance:[/u][/b]
[u][i][b]Favorite Food:[/b][/i][/u]
[u][i][b]Favorite Music:[/b][/i][/u]
[b][i][u]Forte In Sports:[/u][/i][/b]
[i][b][u]Fighting Style:[/u][/b][/i]
[u][b]Roleplay Sample:[/b][/u]